Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Reading for Readiness

There are lots of wonderful authors of books for children. I loved reading books in the Golden Books series and books by Eve Bunting, Tomie DePaola, Louisa May Alcott, Eric Hill (Spot books), Lynley Dodd (Hairy McClary, Slinky Malinki), Barbara Cooney (Miss. Rumphius), Laura Ingalls Wilder (Little House on the Praire), Lynn Reid Banks (Mystery of the Cupboard), and so many more. You can find a list of children's book authors and illustrators here. So, when actors turn children's book author I am automatically skeptical. Jamie Lee Curtis surprised me though.

This morning Jamie Lee Curtis was on Rachael Ray where, among other things, she read from and talked about 'Little People, Big Words', the book she released most recently. I was intrigued enough to visit her website here. Exploring the synopsis' of each of her books, I was pleasantly surprised by the themes and ideas running through all of them. Each of these books is a tool to expose your children to a greater lesson and maybe even engage your children in a greater discussion. There is a point and a purpose to each of the books. The website also provides teaching resources and activities to go along with the books. I found them really well done.

Looking at Jamie Lee Curtis' books, I began thinking about all children's books and questions we should ask ourselves about the messages they contain, the overall affect they have on our children, and how we might use books as a teaching tool and impetus for discussion.

Do you have a favorite children's book? Any thoughts about this post? Don't be shy! Comment!

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