Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Comments on Compliments

MomCat from Truth is Stranger Than Fiction commented on this post of mine recently.

She said:
Wow, what a day! You're better than a mom. I don't think I ever had the energy to entertain the kids the whole day like you did. I'm sure they enjoyed their day and no wonder you were tired. Well done!

While I thank you, MomCat, for your kind words and acknowledgment of my competency, this set me to thinking about how I go about caring for the children.

When I am with the children, I am with them. I take their cues from moment to moment and fulfill their needs or teach them to independently fulfill their own needs. There is structure in terms of meals and naps and rule following (pick up your toys, share with each other, xyz show is over so it is time to turn off the tv, time to go get some fresh air, would you like to go to the library or the park?, etc.), but otherwise I pick up on their cues and live in the moment with them.

What really struck me in MomCat's comment was that I am "better than a mom." That is such a sweet complement and I appreciate it greatly. I really do love the children as if they were my own and treat them as such. But, I'm not their mom. When I am with the children I do not have to run out and do errands, find time to pay the bills, or wash the laundry. I have the greatest respect for moms who are juggling all of these responsibilities every day, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for life. Maybe, not having to worry about all those other responsibilities (though I do try to keep everything having to do with the children in order) frees me up to be "better than a mom" whatever that means. I don't think I am any better than anybody else and C&K have an amazing mom and dad.

MomCat, thank you for your lovely comment and for being my first "Follower" :-)

1 comment:

  1. It's only a pleasure. I'm a mom of 3 aged 21, 18 and 13 and also a working single mom. I am not putting the working moms down but I think most parents battle to relate to their children when it comes to playing the games they like and spending that extra play time outside and they tend to ration that time. My youngest always wants me to play board games and I try to avoid that like the plague. So I take my hat off to you and I also think you will be a great mom when you have your own kids.
